Saturday, September 6, 2008

Broken Wheat (Godi) Payasa

1. Broken Wheat - 1 cup
2. Sugar - 11/2 cups
3. Milk (2%)- 4 cups
4. Saffron - few strands
5. Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp
6. raisins, cashews/slivered almonds
7. ghee - 2 tbsp

Cook the broken wheat with 3 cups milk in a pressure cooker. Keep it on medium flame and add saffron, cardamom powder, sugar and the rest of the milk. You can use whole milk or half and half for a thicker and creamier payasa. heat the ghee in a small kadai and add the cashews. After it becomes slightly golden in color add the raisins. When the raisins become plump and shiny take it off the heat and add to the payasa.

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